Barack Obama in Cuba at start of historic visit

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President Barack Obama is in Cuba for a historic three-day visit to the island and talks with its communist leader.
He is the first sitting US president to visit since the 1959 revolution, which heralded decades of hostility between the two countries.
Speaking at the re-opened US embassy in Havana, he called the visit "historic".
Mr Obama will meet President Raul Castro, but not retired revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, and the pair will discuss trade and political reform.
President Obama's visit is the high point of a recent easing of ties between the US and Cuba, which included the re-establishment of diplomatic missions last year.
Unsurprisingly, his first stop was the newly re-opened embassy.
US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet US embassy staff in Havana on 20 March, 2016.Image copyrightAFP
Image captionPresident Obama and his wife Michelle met staff at the newly re-opened US embassy
Mr Obama, who is the first sitting US president to visit Cuba in 88 years, told staff: "It is wonderful to be here."
"Back in 1928, President [Calvin] Coolidge came on a battleship. It took him three days to get here - it only took me three hours. For the first time ever, Air Force One has landed in Cuba and this is our very first stop."
Later on Sunday, he toured Havana's old town with his family, huddling under umbrellas to shelter from a tropical storm before visiting the national cathedral.
The Obamas in Old Havana, 20 March 2016Image copyrightReuters
Image captionThe Obama family braved the rain in Old Havana

At the scene: Jon Sopel, BBC North America editor

Cuba is one of the most exotic places I have visited. The mix of crumbling but beautiful Spanish colonial, 1950s Americana, and 1970s Soviet utilitarian, all laced with plentiful mojito cocktails and the sound of salsa, is beguiling. It's fabulous.
I was here twice last year. The first time was just after Presidents Obama and Castro announced their desire to open a new chapter in relations; the second when Secretary of State John Kerry flew in to re-open the US embassy on the waterfront.
Now I am back for a third visit - and the cocktail that is Havana has a new ingredient. Well, two new ingredients actually. One is the smell of fresh paint. The other is shiny black tarmac on road surfaces where the potholes have been filled in.
For security reasons, no one is saying precisely where the president will go when he's here, but here's my top tip as a highly trained investigative reporter. The roads where the potholes have been filled in, that's where the president will be.

Security was tight and the historic city centre looked uncharacteristically empty. One Cuban shouted: "Down with the embargo!"
President Obama responded by waving.
The 54-year-old US trade embargo is one of the main sticking points in US-Cuban relations.
It can only be lifted by the US Congress, which is controlled by Republicans who have expressed their opposition to its removal.
The other area of dispute is human rights.
The White House has insisted the president will meet political dissidents, whether the Cuban authorities like it or not.
Only hours before Mr Obama touched down, dozens of members of the dissident group Ladies in White were arrested during their weekly protest in Havana.
Media captionWho are the Ladies in White?
The group campaigns for the release of political prisoners. Mr Obama is likely to meet some of its members on Tuesday.
Despite disagreements, the visit marks a huge turnaround in US-Cuban relations.
Media captionJosefina Vidal: "Matters that are internal decisions and sovereignty of the Cuban people will not be negotiated with the United States"
Mr Obama and Raul Castro will sit together at a state dinner, there will be a joint news conference and they will discuss trade.
Since the two presidents announced a thaw in relation in December 2014, they have reached commercial deals on telecoms and a scheduled airline service, increased co-operation on law enforcement and environmental protection.
On Wednesday Mr Obama sent a letter on the first direct mail flight from the US to Cuba since the revolution.

The media view, by Emilio San Pedro, BBC Monitoring

Mr Obama's arrival was broadcast live on Cuban televisionImage copyrightAP
Prominent Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez wrote that Mr Obama's arrival on the first day of Holy Week means "he is awaited by the glory of his popularity and the cross of excessive expectations".
Colombian newspaper Tiempo said Mr Obama put the "final nail on the coffin of the last legacy of the Cold War", but Cuban analyst Carlos Alberto Montaner said the president "miscalculated the wasps' nest he was getting into".
Peruvian magazine Correo said Mr Obama must work to "make sure his progress on Cuba cannot be reversed".
Mexican daily El Universal said "the 'comandante' [Fidel Castro] will go down in history as the person who fought the US to defend the revolution. The General [Raul Castro] will go down as the one who made peace".

However, analysts say there are conflicting sentiments within Cuba's Communist Party over hosting Mr Obama.
He is not scheduled to meet the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro.
The elder Castro has only made one official statement about the thaw in relations, and it was hardly a ringing endorsement: "I don't trust in the United States' policy, nor have I exchanged a word with them".

Thaw in US-Cuba relations:

  • Frozen since the early 1960s, when the US broke off diplomatic relations and imposed a trade embargo after Cuba's revolution led to communism.
  • The embargo was estimated to cost the US economy $1.2bn a year.
  • President Obama announced moves to normalise ties in December 2014.
  • It followed more than a year of secret talks in Canada and at the Vatican, directly involving Pope Francis.
  • The plans included reviewing the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, easing a travel ban for US citizens, easing financial restrictions, and increasing telecommunications links, as well as efforts to lift the trade embargo.
  • The US re-opened its embassy in Havana in August 2015, a month after Cuba reopened its embassy in Washington.

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